Monday, December 19, 2011

This Canon Powershot S95 Is Your Pointy-Shooter Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]

In one corner, the brand spanking beautiful Canon S100. 12-megapixel CMOS sensor. GPS. Thumb grip. And so much more between its pocketable frame it'll scare a smartphone camera sideways. In the other corner! The tried and true Canon Powershot S95. 10-megapixel CCD sensor. No GPS. No half assed thumb grip. The fight? Which camera you should buy. Obviously the S100 is a technically superior cam, I won't dispute that but for two hunnid dollaz less you can score yourself a S95. It's true, the Canon Powershot S95 is only $229 right now. Do you know what 200 dollars can get you? 200 different things on a McDonald's dollar menu. That's enough food for winter. Or it can land you an Xbox 360. Or a paid model to photograph. Or enough booze and drugs to throw a party to document. Or a nice pair of pants to take off before your dong shots. Or an iPhone 4S to have so you won't ever need a point and shoot cam again. Oh wait? -CC More »
