Saturday, April 20, 2013

Scrivener writing app for iPad gets development back on track

Scrivener writing app for iPad gets back on track

Scrivener is one of the most well respected, most beloved writing apps on the Mac, one that works the way writers and stories work. For a while now, Scrivener developer Literature & Latte have been working on the highly anticipated iPad version, but issues beyond their control slowed the project. No longer. They've gotten a new developer on board to help kick things back on track, and that new developer is the iMore app's own... Tammy Coron! According to Literature & Latte's blog, the The Cellar Door:

Tammy has been getting up to speed with the project for the past fortnight and has now started diving into the code proper. We hope to provide more news over the coming months, but we?re all excited to have her on board and to once again be forging ahead with getting our iOS app completed.

Understandably, they don't want to make any more guesses as to a potential release window, but they do want to try and get it out this year, hopefully in time for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo).

Tammy, as Debug listeners already know, is beyond awesome. I can't wait to see what Literature & Latte turns out for the iPad. Go read the whole post, and then come back here and let me know if you're looking as forward to this as I am.

Source: The Cellar Door

