Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As Users Behave, Unvarnished Opens The Gates (Just Slightly)

Remember Unvarnished, the LinkedIn-Yelp hybrid that threatened to unleash a Pandora's box on the internet? Back in March, we called it "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place For Defamation," arguing that a repository for anonymous reviews could become a "nicely indexed, digital burn book"--- a playground for vengeful co-workers and frenemies to wreak havoc on the reputations of their subjects. That doomsday, anarchic scenario has not come to pass--- at least not yet. Although I think the tinder is still there, co-founder Peter Kazanjy, to his credit, has carefully managed the development of the controversial site. Unvarnished, which has been in invite-only beta mode since its launch, has just "tens of thousands of users," according to Kazanjy. The selective nature of this community has worked in its advantage, encouraging largely positive, substantive reviews, with 60% of the reviews touting a 5-star rating (the highest mark). And according to Kazanjy, since March, there have been less than 10 user complaints, thus reflecting a lack of abuse. Now, the question is: Can Kazanjy maintain his garden as he opens the gates just a little bit wider?