Friday, October 8, 2010

Logitech CEO: (Sorry Cisco) $600 For Video Calls Is Too Expensive ? TCTV

I know we're not technically in a recession and Americans love their electronics--- especially those that start with the letter "i"--- but as a whole, electronic retailers need a reality check, or a swift kick to the gut. On Wednesday, CrunchGear's Devin Coldewey and I dropped by two product announcements, one for Cisco's purportedly consumer-friendly ?mi and Logitech's Google TV accessory round-up. It was a long parade of flashy products with decent specs and thought-provoking price tags. As I mentioned in an earlier post, ?mi truly does bring high-quality telepresence into the home (assuming you have a solid connection) but it will cost you $599.99 for the hardware and $25 a month just to use the service. When I asked Logitech's CEO, Jerry Quindlen, what he thought about Cisco's ?mi price point for TC TV, the polite executive merely said, "I don't think anything that's too expensive or isn't easy to use is going to be successful, doesn't matter who it's from...if that's where it [?mi] is...that might be a tough sell in this economy." Why does the phrase: "pot calling the kettle black" come to mind? Video with Logitech's CEO ahead.