Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Jerk

jerkLike everyone else in the tech world, I've been reading Walter Isaacson's Steve Jobs biography. Simultaneously, I've been reading the reactions to it. The one that seems to stand out above all others amounts to: "wow, Steve Jobs was a jerk". Those who have followed Apple closely throughout the years have heard dozens if not hundreds of stories of Jobs berating employees. Isaacson's book brings a handful of these stories to the masses, and it's rubbing some people the wrong way. Here's the thing: the tech world could probably use more jerks. I've been thinking about this since reading Robert Scoble's post a couple days ago entitled "Why I'm treating startups more critically lately". Depending on who you ask, Scoble is a lot of things. But I don't think anyone would call Scoble a jerk. In fact, most would probably say he has the opposite problem. He tends to puff up startups into thinking they're the best thing in the world. (A social network for your Roomba to take pictures of food?�Brilliant! Game-changing!" ? Okay, I exaggerate. Slightly.) That's great. For five minutes. After that, reality often sets in.
