Wednesday, August 8, 2012
This Avengers Hulk Smash Fist Combo Is Your You-Wouldn't-Like-Me-When-I'm-An-Overused-Catchphrase Deal of the Day [Dealzmodo]
"Hulk? smash!" Best part of the Avengers movie. Maybe when Hulk goes to town tearing apart Loki. That was pretty awesome, too. I mean, it's The Incredible Hulk. One of the most powerful superheroes ever. Even Sentry's power of a million suns couldn't contain Bruce Banner's power in World War Hulk. If you're an angry person prone to fits of rage like I am, then I think you'd have to agree with me that the Hulk is one of the best superheroes in the Marvel universe. If that's true, then you've probably also imagined yourself as an out-of-control rage monster. The only piece of the puzzle, besides the ripped shorts and lack-of-shirt issues I'm sure you've already addressed, would be the Hulk's mighty fists! Well, here they are in all their Hulkish glory on sale for just 10 bucks. More »